Can You Cook Raw Meat in an Air Fryer

Can You Cook Raw Meat in an Air Fryer?

Cooking raw meat in an air fryer can raise several concerns, including food safety and the potential for uneven cooking.

Air fryers offer a quick, easy, and healthier way to cook a variety of foods, but can you cook raw meat in an air fryer?

In this article, we’ll explore this question and provide you with some helpful tips and tricks for doing so safely.

So, first things first.

Can You Cook Raw Meat in an Air Fryer?
Salmon ready to cook in the air fryer

Can You Cook Raw Meat in an Air Fryer?

Yes, you can. Air fryers are a great tool for cooking raw meat. They’re one of the best ways to cook meat without adding any extra oil or fat.

When cooking raw meat in an air fryer, make sure that the meat is cooked to the correct temperature to ensure that it is safe to eat.

The USDA recommends cooking all types of meat to a minimum internal temperature of 165 degrees Fahrenheit.

This temperature ensures that any harmful bacteria that may be present in the meat are killed.

The cooking times for meat vary depending on the type and cut of meat you are cooking.

For example, a thin cut of chicken breast will cook much faster than a thick cut of beef.

While cooking any type of meat in the air fryer, use a meat thermometer to check the internal temperature to ensure that it is fully cooked.

Tips for Cooking Raw Meat in an Air Fryer

If you’re planning on cooking raw meat in an air fryer, there are some tips you should keep in mind to ensure that it cooks evenly and thoroughly:

1. Choose The Right Type of Meat

When choosing meat to prepare in an air fryer, consider the cut, thickness, and fat content.

Air fryers work best with cuts that are thin and flat, such as chicken breasts, pork chops, or steaks. Thicker cuts of meat may not cook evenly in an air fryer, so it’s best to stick to thinner cuts.

The thicker the meat, the longer it will take to cook in the air fryer. This can result in the outside of the meat becoming overcooked while the inside is still raw.

Therefore, it’s best to choose relatively thin cuts of meat, ideally no more than an inch thick.

Finally, consider the fat content of the meat. Air fryers work by circulating hot air around the food, which can cause excess fat to drip down into the bottom of the air fryer.

This can result in smoke coming out from the air fryer if there is too much fat.

Choose lean cuts of meat with minimal fat or consider lining the air fryer when cooking raw meat with fattier cuts like ribeye or pork belly.

2. Season Your Meat

Before cooking your raw meat in an air fryer, be sure to season it well.

This will help to enhance the flavor of the meat and ensure that it’s cooked evenly.

Some popular seasonings to use when cooking meat in an air fryer include salt, pepper, garlic powder, onion powder, paprika, cumin, and chili powder.

I have the Simply Organics spice set that I use for my dishes.

You can also experiment with different spice blends and marinades to find your favorite flavor combinations.

When seasoning your meat before cooking it in an air fryer, be sure to apply the seasonings evenly and gently pat them into the meat to ensure that they stick.

Also, let the meat sit with the seasonings for at least 15 minutes to allow the flavors to penetrate the meat.

Apart from spices, you can opt to use a sauce in your air fryer to coat the meat.

3. Preheat Your Air Fryer

Just like with a conventional oven, it’s important to preheat your air fryer before cooking your meat.

This will help to ensure that your meat cooks evenly, has a better texture, and is properly cooked.

4. Cook At the Right Temperature

The temperature you cook your meat will depend on the type of meat you’re cooking and how thick it is.

As a general rule, you should cook your meat at a temperature of 375°F to 400°F for about 15-20 minutes.

Use this air fryer cheat sheet to know the specific time and temperature settings for your food.

5. Use A Meat Thermometer

Digital Meat Thermometer

To ensure that your meat is properly cooked, use a meat thermometer to check the internal temperature.

6. Don’t Overcrowd the Air Fryer Basket

Overcrowding the air fryer basket can lead to uneven cooking and can also prevent the hot air from circulating properly.

Make sure to leave enough space between the pieces of meat to ensure that they cook evenly.

If you need to cook large quantities at a time, consider stacking your meat using a rack or skewers.

7. Flip the Meat Halfway Through Cooking

It is recommended to open the air fryer when cooking to check on the food.

When doing this, flip the meat halfway through cooking to ensure it cooks evenly on both sides. This is especially important if you are cooking thicker cuts of meat.

Use silicone kitchen tongs to flip and adjust the meat to avoid burning as the air fryer can get very hot.

Benefits of Cooking Raw Meat in an Air Fryer

  • Cooking meat in an air fryer can reduce the amount of oil and fat needed compared to traditional frying methods, leading to healthier and lower-calorie meals.
  • Air fryers use hot air to cook the meat, which can result in a crispy and browned exterior while keeping the inside moist and tender.
  • Air fryers are easy to use and require minimal preheating, making them a convenient and time-saving cooking method.
  • Air fryers are versatile and can cook a variety of meats, including chicken, beef, pork, and fish, with different seasonings and marinades for a range of flavors.
  • Cooking meat in an air fryer can also reduce the risk of overcooking or burning, as the temperature and cooking time can be easily adjusted and monitored.

Air Fryer vs. Oven for Cooking Raw Meat

When it comes to cooking raw meat, there are differences between air fryers and traditional ovens.

While both methods can cook meat to perfection, air fryers offer some unique advantages.

For example, air fryers can cook meat faster and more efficiently than ovens, and they also create a crispy outer layer that ovens can’t match.

On the other hand, ovens offer more versatility when it comes to cooking large cuts of meat or dishes that require longer cooking times.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Can You Put Frozen Meat in An Air Fryer?

Yes, you can put frozen meat in an air fryer. However, it will take longer to cook than if the meat was thawed first.

Q: Can You Cook Different Types of Meat in An Air Fryer?

Yes, you can cook different types of meat in an air fryer, including chicken, beef, pork, and fish. However, the cooking times will vary depending on the type and cut of meat.

Q: Do You Need to Add Oil When Cooking Raw Meat in An Air Fryer?

No, it’s not always necessary to add oil when cooking raw meat in an air fryer, as the meat itself will release some of its juices.

However, adding a small amount of oil can help create a crispy exterior and enhance the flavor of the meat.

Q. Is It Safe to Cook Raw Meat in An Air Fryer?

Yes, it is safe to cook raw meat in an air fryer, as long as you follow the proper cooking instructions and guidelines.

Q. Do You Need to Preheat Your Air Fryer Before Cooking Raw Meat?

Yes, it’s important to preheat your air fryer before cooking raw meat. This will help to ensure that your meat cooks evenly and is properly cooked throughout.


Cooking raw meat in an air fryer is a great way to ensure that it is cooked evenly and thoroughly.

There are precautions to take to ensure that the meat is cooked thoroughly and safely.

Use a meat thermometer to check the internal temperature of the meat when cooking to make sure it reaches the recommended temperature.

By following these tips, you can enjoy delicious and healthy meals cooked in your air fryer.


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